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Winter School actively discusses issues of improving teacher education




On January 9, 2020, at Abai KazNPU as part of the Winter School «Teacher education in a changing world: new priorities» three sessions were held.

At the first session, B. K. Tasbulatova, a professional coach at Erickson International (Canada), introduced the teaching staff of the university to the competencies of a 21st-century teacher and coaching tools for university teachers. The lesson continued on the topic «Coaching Tools for Higher School Teachers» by M. Bilyalova, a PCC ICF level coach, was held in an interactive format and aroused great interest. The students exchanged ideas on the use of coaching in teaching practice. You can continue to interact with trainers through Instagram: baisuly.tasbulatova or

The second session was prepared by the employees of the Administrative Department on the topic «Application of Labor Law and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education» in the activities of structural units of Abai KazNPU». The session, which was attended by employees of departments, administrations, teachers and doctoral students, was conducted by the head of the legal department of Abai KazNPU Orazgali A.D. The students had the opportunity to clarify for themselves some of the provisions of the above documents, to discuss issues related to the application of these laws.

Teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, attended the third session. The head of the session, Zeynolla S.Zh., a consultant on UNESCO-Kazakhstan education programs, and Omarova A.B., a business trainer, informed the audience about the work of UNESCO-Kazakhstan on the topic «Education in achieving sustainable development goals».

During the session, the contribution of this organization to the education of Kazakhstan was noted. The issues of the paradigm of the modern content of education were discussed. Participants noted the relevance of the questions presented for the effective organization of the educational work of university teachers in preparing students.