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Opening of digital student service centre "Shapagat"


On 30 November, 2017 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University will take place the opening ceremony of the digital student service centre "Shapagat" .

Digital student service centre "Shapagat" of Abai KazNPU is created as part of the implementation of tasks to improve the quality of public services and change the education system, indicated in the President`s Address "The Third Kazakhstan Modernization: Global Competitiveness."

Digital student service centre "Shapagat" will contribute to improving the culture and quality of services to students, and its main purpose will be to create conditions for the timely and effective service to students by the "one window" principle. In this centre students, undergraduates, doctoral students and parents can receive the necessary documents, certificates of transfer, enrollment and leaving, consultations and other services.

At the opening of DSSC "Shapagat" will be shown to the audience the modern automated systems.

At the opening of digital student service centre "Shapagat" will be rector of Abai KazNPU, professor Takir Balykbayev, public figures of the city, as well as the teaching staff and students of the University.

Date and time of the event: 30 November , 2017, at 11:00
Place of the event: Almaty, Kazybek bi str. 30, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, educational building №1
Contact details:  87021658537 - Timur