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Dear women!

Dear teachers, employees and students of Abai University!


Allow me on behalf of the male half of Abai University to congratulate you all on the first and most beautiful holiday of spring - International Women`s Day on March 8!


You carry love and beauty into our lives, make the world around you kinder and perfect, give us confidence, and inspire bold actions and fruitful work. The warmth of your hearts helps to maintain the family hearth and comfort of home, and an active life position and hard work allow the university to reach new heights in science and education. In many ways thanks to your activity, optimism, mind, professionalism and sensitivity our university achieves brilliant results.


On this spring holiday we express our gratitude for the significant contribution to the development of education, science and culture of Abai KazNPU and the country as a whole, for your achievements in science, finance and personnel work, public relations, pedagogical activity, study, creativity, sports. Thank you for everything you do for the university, its development and prosperity!


I want to wish all women of Abai University happiness, love, and good health, success in study and work, well-being!




rector Takir Balykbayev