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A video conference dedicated to the International Day of Francophone took place




On March 20, 2020, the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute of Abai KazNPU together with the French Embassy in our country, the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, volunteers of the public movement «Accelerator of Good: Izgilikelshisi» held a video conference dedicated to the International Day of Francophone.

Every year on March 20, on the International Day of Francophone around the world, many events are held with the participation of more than 70 countries and hundreds of cities around the world. French is the fifth largest in the world and, along with English, it is used on almost all continents.

The conference was attended by Rector of the Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy, member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe from Kazakhstan Igor Rogov, attaché of the French Embassy in our country Gilles Mametz, director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute of Abai KazNPU, head of the volunteer movement «Accelerator of Good: Izgilikelshisi», member of the National Council of Public Confidence under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ainur Sabitova, co-director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute Christine Bouteiller. The teaching staff and students of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute also remotely joined the online conference.

Ainur Sabitova moderated the event. Rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Takir Balykbayev and attaché of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, Gilles Mametz, made a welcoming speech.

Igor Rogov made a report «The Impact of the French Law School on the Formation of the Legal System of Kazakhstan»; he spoke about the influence of the French Law School on the formation of the Kazakhstan legal system, in particular, the country`s Constitution. As you know, on the initiative of Elbasy, the «Astana» International Financial Center operates in Kazakhstan, the current law of which is based on the principles, norms and precedents of the law of England and Wales. France has experience, in particular in the province of Normandy, on the islands of Jerzey and Guernesey, English law is applied. Kazakh lawyers were interested in how a country with continental law fragmented uses of English law.

French language teacher at the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute H. Fates made a report: «On the role of the French language in international diplomacy».

The videoconference aroused great interest among the Kazakh and French participants. More than 100 people, including those from Paris, watched its progress.

Many participants in the event noted in their comments that holding the conference remotely meets the requirements of the state of emergency declared by President K. Tokayev and responses to the appeal of Elbasy to the people of Kazakhstan in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.