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Scientific online-seminar as part of the Decade of science

On April 2-10, the «Decade of science» is held at the Abai Kazakh national University. In this regard, on April 3, the Department of chemistry of the Institute of natural science and geography held an online scientific seminar.


The seminar was attended by director of the Department of science Sayabek Sakhiev, director of the Institute of natural science and geography Kulyash Kaimuldinova, deputy Director for research and international relations Kalampyr Zhumagulova, head of the Department Zhazira Mukatayeva, teaching staff and doctoral students of the Department.


At the scientific seminar, presentations were made by professors Zhenis Shokybayev («Modern problems of assessing students knowledge»), Gulzhamilya Meyirova («Scientific and practical principles of organizing virtual chemical experiments»), 2nd-year doctoral student Gulayym Gaisina («Methods of effective use of scribing»), 2nd-year doctoral student Dina Nurmakhanova («Issues of organizing the educational process in remote form»).


The seminar was held in the form of an interactive discussion. Great interest was aroused by reports on «Issues of organizing the educational process in the distance form», «Methods of effective use of scribing» in the transition of all Kazakh universities to the online education system in connection with the emergency situation in the country.








Chair of «Chemistry»