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Webinar of the virtual laboratory of inclusive education

On April 29, 2020, the Resource Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan at Abai KazNPU organized consultative and methodological activities of the virtual laboratory of inclusive education. The main objective of the Virtual Laboratory is to present and disseminate advanced theoretical and practical experience in including people with special needs in the educational process.

Within the framework of the Virtual Laboratory, On the same day, the virtual laboratory staff held the first webinar «Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan: Evolution and Development Prospects», the main speaker of which was Roza Aytzhanovna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, general director of «САТР» LLP.

The event was attended by B.A. Asylova, Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aruzhan Sain, Commissioner for Children`s Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of regional and district education departments, the administration and teachers of preschool, school, technical and professional educational organizations, higher educational institutions.

Aruzhan Sain greeted the participants in the webinar, who introduced the planned changes to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education», briefly presented the Singaporean experience in including children with special educational needs in the general educational process and encouraged all interested parties to constructive dialogue.

Bibigul Asylova conducted a detailed analysis of the status of special and inclusive education in Kazakhstan, presented a detailed overview of existing problems in this field and outlined the strategic vectors of the development of this system in the country.

Speaker R.A. Suleimenova - the first doctor in the Republic on correctional pedagogy, the initiator and leader of the Working Group on the development of the Law «On social and medical-pedagogical correctional support for children with disabilities», the first head of the department of oligophrenopedagogy, aroused great interest from all participants and put Beginning of a detailed discussion.

The next webinars of the Virtual Laboratory for Inclusive Education will be held on May 4 and 6, 20120. On May 4, 2020, it is planned to conduct a webinar «Organization of the educational process with students with SEN at the university». Speaker: Movkebaeva Zulfiya - Director of the Resource Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of Abai KazNPU, Member of the Public Council of the Base Organization of the CIS Member Countries on the Training, Retraining and Further Training of Teachers and Specialists in the Field of Inclusive and special education.

May 6, 2020 at 15.00 - «Conditions for the inclusion of children with SEN in the general educational space».

Speaker: Abayeva Galia, director of the State Institution «National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy», associate professor.