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«Applicant 2020» online open day


On May 18, 2020, the Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics conducted an online event, Open Door Day «Applicant 2020», to provide career guidance for graduates.

The organizers - Deputy Director for Educational Work of IMPI Jasulan Mukhashev, teacher of the department of "Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling" Aiganym Rysbek and teacher of the department of «Physics» Maira Myrzatai.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Educational Work of Abai KazNPU Asan Satmyrzaev, heads of departments, teachers, heads and representatives of regional, district and city departments of education, school directors, teachers and about 150 graduates of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Karaganda, Almaty, Akmola and Turkestan regions.

Asan Satmyrzaev, Vice-Rector for Academic Work, opened the action with a warm welcome to all participants. Deputy Director for Scientific Work and International Cooperation of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Zair Ualiev, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute Sheripidin Hamraev, Deputy Director for Educational Work Jasulan Mukhashev, teacher of the Chair of Physics Moldir Aliyeva, teachers of the Chair of Informatics and Informatization of Education Sholpan Muratbaevna and Jazira Marat prepared a presentation on the current development of the Institute, the educational process. Detailed information was provided on benefits provided to students, directions and features of educational work, as well as a list of necessary documents for admission. Invited participants of the online event received answers to all their questions.