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Our victory!!!

The XII Republican subject Olympiad among students of the universities of country under the educational program «Preschool education and upbringing» in the educational group B002 «Preschool education and upbringing» was held at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state University.

The purpose of the subject Olympiad: to stimulate educational and research work of students, to create conditions for professional and personal potential of students, their self-awareness, self-expression and self-improvement, to select and support the most talented and gifted youth.

According to the results of the Olympiad, the 1st place was taken by the team «Karashanyrak» from Abai KazNPU .

2nd place-Kazakh national women`s pedagogical University and Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov, 3rd place-East Kazakhstan state University named after S. Amanzholov, West Kazakhstan state University named after M. Utemisov and Karaganda state University named after E. A. Buketov.

The «Karashakyrak» team consistedof 2nd and 3rd year students of the specialty «Preschool education and upbringing»:
Uzakbay Aiganym 2-year course
Dzhanabaeva Anar 2-course
Konyrova Aikorkem 3-course
Bidakhmetova Balzhan 3-year course
Leaders of the team: teachers Erkebaeva Saule Zhomartovna and Ibrayeva Magripa Kurmanbekovna.

At the closing of this subject Olympiad, the rector of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state UniversityKarimova B.S. made a speech and congratulated the winners with the award.

The closing ceremony of the Online competition can be viewed at the link: 






Chair of preschool education and social pedagogy