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Webinar on an international project at Abai KazNPU

On July 1, 2020, within the ongoing project, Abai KazNPU hosted a webinar «On the Implementation of an International Project -«Evidence-based educator preparation and organizational culture» with the participation of the California State University Sacramento (USA).

During the webinar, moderator and project coordinator from Abai KazNPU Bayan Sapargaliyeva presented an international project, its goal, objectives, project implementation. The speaker Alexander Sidorkin, project coordinator from the California State University Sacramento, has described the content of the project and addressed practical questions about the content of education in the United States.

The main objective of the project: to create a professional network of teacher training programs for cooperation to improve quality. The project is aimed at introducing successful practices and innovative solutions in education.
The project is funded by the Government of USA, the U.S.-KAZAKHSTAN UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS GRANTS PROGRAM with the support of the American Council for International Education.

The participants in the webinar agreed that teacher education receive a new and simple approach. Moreover new teaching methods will help bring teaching process to a higher level. Standard lessons at school are a relic of the past. Now it is important for the teacher to motivate the student to work independently, to develop creative thinking. The role of a teacher in a modern school has changed. We must move out of our comfort zone and begin training teachers for a next generation education.

The webinar was attended by more than 60 participants - representatives of Universities in Estonia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, including Tartu University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, L.N. Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University., St. Tikhon`s Orthodox Humanitarian University, M.M. Adyshev Osh Technological University, Kazakh National Women`s Teacher training University, Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Taraz State University, Kazakh-German University, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Central Asian University, Academy of Civil Aviation, and of course, the main audience from Abai KazNPU. Among the registered participants, the Rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University, doctor of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor Remorenko Igor Mikhailovich, and doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Chair Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of NSPU Romm Tatyana Aleksandrovna and others participated in the event.

Summing up the results of the online meeting, we can mark the high activity of the audience, which indicates that teachers from various countries and universities are common in understanding that the effectiveness of modern higher education institutions is impossible without modernization and improving the quality of education.


As recommendations, the webinar participants proposed to consider the possible involvement of universities - non-members of the consortium in the project.

Information on next webinars can be found in the announcements on the website of Abai KazNPU.


Contacts for communication within the project: Tel.: +77017326344, e-mail:,


Video material






Department of International Cooperation