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For the third year in sequence , teachers of the Chair of Pedagogy and Methods of primary education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Abai KazNPU are actively participate in events organized by the Almaty Management University in the framework of support for rural schools universities in the country. Thus, in the period 24-28 March 2016, primary class 14 Teachers from the North-Kazakhstan region attended training –seminar : "New approaches to teaching and learning in primary schools in the conditions of modernization educational system of the RK " candidate of pedagogical sciences6 , associate professor of the Chair of PMPE, Akpaeva A.B. held lectures and practical lessons on the theme: "The role of the educational and methodological complex" Mathematics "in the relization of system-activity approach to teaching of schoolchildren ", where was discussed the structure of activity-oriented lessons in terms of US (ungraded school) especially the use of components of EMC "Mathematics" in the activity of the method technology. Classes are held in an active form. Teachers not only managed to gain new knowledge and skills, but also shared their experiences of using teaching materials in practical activities, shared their views on the structure of the lessons at the UPS (ungraded primary school). Also discussed the possibility of concluding agreements with the schools of the future cooperation and curry out online seminars and workshops.

Chair of Pedagogy and Methods of primary education