01.09.2020 International Conference «History and Culture of the Great Steppe»
August 26-27, 2020 in Almaty in the hall «Altyn Emel» hall of the «Kazakhstan» hotel there was held an international scientific conference «History and Culture of the Great Steppe». It was attended by researchers from the Scientific-Research Center «Aitylgan tarikh» of Abai KazNPU.
The interdisciplinary scientific program «History and Culture of the Great Steppe» was implemented with the aim of forming a holistic vision of national history, preserving historical memory, continuity and the formation of identity within the framework of targeted funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020.
Scientific-Research Center «Aitylgan Tarikh» at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University presented the results of work on two topics 1) Scientific schools of Kazakhstan in the context of the formation and transformation of national and state identity (XX - early XXI centuries); 2) Socio-cultural identity in the oral stories of residents of monotowns of Kazakhstan: Kentau-Ashhysai (1927-XXI century).
On August 27, 2020, five reports were presented in the section «Identity and modernization in the history of Kazakhstan»: - Director of the scientific-research center «Aitylgan tarikh" of Abai KazNPU, academician, doctor of historical sciences, professor Mambet Koygeldiyev - « ... remove 10 to silence 100». By the ninetieth anniversary of the 1929-1931 uprising»; - External expert, leading researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RF, Moscow), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dina Amanzholova - «... you are citizens of a huge Soviet territory, where all nationalities merge» (From the history of the formation of the Soviet Federation)»; - Leading researcher of the SRC «Aitylgan tarikh» of Abai KazNPU, candidate of historical sciences Zabira Myrzatayeva - «From the history of geological exploration in Karatau (Soviet period)»; - Leading researcher of the SRC «Aitylgan tarikh» of Abai KazNPU, candidate of historical sciences, Tenlik Dalayeva - «Socio-cultural identity of Kentau residents in their memories: from communicative memory to cultural memory»; - Leading researcher of the SRC «Aitylgan tarikh» of Abai KazNPU, candidate of historical sciences Shamek Tleubayev - «Historiography of the national liberation uprising of 1916 and the problem of identity».
At the conference, based on the results of three years of research, new theoretical and methodological approaches and conclusions were developed on topical issues of the history and culture of Kazakhstan: ETHNOGENESIS AND ETHNIC HISTORY, HISTORY OF KAZAKH STATEHOOD, IDENTITY AND MODERNIZATION IN THE HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN.
SRC «Aitylgan tarikh», Institute of history and law of Abai University |