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On 15 April , 2016 on the eve of the Week "Student Spring" at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography took place a competition "Miss INS&G -2016" The event was attended by graduate students and academic staff , as well as invited guests.
The event was organized by members of the Student Directorate
Abdualiyeva Zh.A., Oraz A.A., Ayazbek A.S., Zhanbyr M.A. and deputy director for educational work Manapov N.T.. The competition was attended by students of 1st year course on specialty - biology, chemistry and geography.
The jury:
Chairman of the student union Intibayeva G.B., senior lecturer Kulzhanova D.K., professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences Dzhanabayeva R.A., senior Lecturer Zhaksybayeva Zh.M., chief editor of Abai Newspaper Sharahymbay B.Zh .., Mentors Onerbayeva Z.O., Karazhanova D.A., Saimova R.U., Dzhunusova R.Zh., Abulgaziyeva A.U. are provided all possible assistance in organizing the participation of their students in the competition. The contestants showed their skills in the course of the competition offered the audience the concert program. As a result, the winner of the Grand Prix became a student on specialty - Chemistry Galymova Nurzhanar, first place Matin Aygerim -specialty Biology, second place Mukhatov Aliya - specialty scientific biology, third place Nusipkul Dina - specialty biology, nomination "Audience Award" received Zholdasbekova Dinara- specialty geography. The event was held at a high level and for a long time be remembered to the audience.