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The 75th scientific conference of students, undergraduates and doctoral students has ended

On November 20, 2020, the annual student scientific online conference was held at the Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens. About 20 students, undergraduates and doctoral students of all specialties of the department took part in the work of two thematic sections.

The purpose of the conference was to create the creative, research potential of students and teachers through involvement in research, project activities; identification of the best student works for participation in international scientific and practical conferences, forums and other events of a research and project nature. Development of dialogue skills, speech etiquette; development of experience in public speaking, skills in conducting scientific discussion, creating conditions for the implementation of the innovative potential of students.


Head of the Department Begaliyeva S.B. addressed the participants of the online conference, greeted students and teachers, stressed the role of research work in the formation of personality, introduced the procedure for the work of sections, the rules of speech, evaluation criteria.


Then students and teachers dispersed to work in sections.


16 applications were submitted to participate in the 75th scientific conference of students` research and design work.


The presented works by directions were divided into 2 sections.


The topics of scientific developments of young researchers in the section «Modern problems of linguistics and literary studies» were associated with the analysis of Russian verbs of movement: a system of tasks and exercises for foreign students, Russian phraseological units on the topic «study», «work», «man», the study of archaisms in modern living speech. The topics of the reports in this section were varied and relevant for future language teachers.


The next section was devoted to "Linguocultural analysis in intercultural communication", the study of topical issues and problems of cultural linguistics, linguistic conceptology and cognitive linguistics. In the speech of undergraduates and doctoral students on the topics: «Linguocultural analysis of the concept» man «in Russian and Chinese paremias», Concept «family» in Russian and Chinese cultures (based on paremiological and phraseological units), Symbols of numbers in the Chinese and Russian linguistic picture of the world were Russian fixed expressions are given and noted, which are considered in the linguoculturological aspect against the background of a typologically unrelated Chinese language.


Students, undergraduates and doctoral students who prepared meaningful presentations and reports were highly appreciated by the head. Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens Begalieva S.B. and the dean of the faculty Taubaeva G.Z.


By the decision of the jury, the following works were awarded diplomas:
I degree diploma: 1st year master`s student - Don Lihuei,
I degree diploma: 2nd year master`s student - Wang Dongling,
I degree diploma: 2nd year doctoral student - Li Duo,
II degree diploma: 1st year master`s student - Ding Hanlei,
II degree diploma: 1st year master student - Lu Danyang,
II degree diploma: 2nd year master`s student - Yang Xinjun,
III degree diploma: 1st year master student - Wu Xianxue,
III degree diploma: 1st year student - Wang Miao.