30.11.2020 Topical problems of spiritual and moral education of young people in modern conditions were discussed
The webinar was opened by the head of the department of disciplines of the pedagogical cycle at the university, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Korlan Kabykenovna Zhapeisova. In her opening speech, she noted the importance of the topic raised and wished the participants successful work and interesting suggestions.
Then Korlan Kabykenovna made a report on the topic: «Spiritual and moral education of students in a digital society», in which she outlined the importance of spiritual and moral education in modern conditions. This presentation aroused particular interest among students and scientists.
The report of Nikita Uspensky, a 2nd year student of the specialty «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge», was devoted to the actual problems of the spiritual and moral education of students.
The report of Dina Sundetova, a student of the specialty «Defectology» was devoted to the evolution of the spiritual and moral development of the individual.
The speeches of Bertaeva Jamila and Tian Natalia, students of the specialty «Russian Philology» were devoted to the disorientation of modern youth and the spiritual and patriotic education of students.
Kasymbekova Aruzhan, a student of the specialty «Defectology» spoke on the current topic of adolescent suicide in the country.
The moderator of the webinar, Professor Sholpan Kolumbayeva, in her informative speech highlighted the urgent problems of spiritual and moral education in a rapidly changing environment, suggested some ways of solving problems and noted the importance of introducing released class leadership in schools.
All participants noted the relevance of the topic of education, the content of the participants` speeches and the good preparedness of students.
Associate professor Sadykova A.K. (Kostanay Pedagogical Institute), Professor K.K. Begalinova (Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,); Professor of the Department of Foreign Literature Bulakbaeva K.N. (Gumilyov ENU) spoke at the free microphone.
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