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International Scientific and Practical Conference

"The Constitution and Public Freedom: Forming a Legal Model (The Experience of Kazakhstan and France)"


On 20 April, 2018, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Constitution and Public Freedom: Forming a Legal Model (the Experience of Kazakhstan and France)" will be held at the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute atAbai KazNPU.


The purpose of the international scientific-practical conference is the exchange of experience between countries in the field of protection of public freedom, experience in implementing the main provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Constitution of the French Republic, as well as the problems of combating terrorist and extremist threats, depriving citizenship.

Time and date: on 20 April, 2018, 10.00.


Location: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazybek bi, 28. Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, conference hall.


Conference program