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Round Table "Intellectual Nation - the Basis of Spiritual Revival"


On 11 April, 2018, The Scientific and Innovation Park of the KazNPU named after Abai within the framework of the Decade of Science holds a round table on the topic "Intellectual Nation - the Basis of Spiritual Revival" in the format of the visiting session on the basis of the Branch of National Center for the Improvement of the Qualification "Orleu" of the Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in the Almaty Region.


The purpose of the event is to discuss the prospective aspects of the pedagogical, philological and natural science spheres of science in the context of the Ruhani Jahyrou program with the goal of integrating university science and educational activities, as well as disseminating the achievements of science among practitioners.


Within the framework of the round table, an exhibition-presentation of scientific works will be organized.


Date and time: 11/04/2018, 11:00.


Location: Almaty, Kabilov, 50


The coordinators of the event: Marat Nuriyev, Saule Dautova, Nugman Aralbai


Tel. for reference: 8 (727) 291 88 83