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Takir Balykbayev: The election programme of the Nur Otan party includes more than 100 specific tasks


On December 20, 2020, members of the national and city election headquarters met with the faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU. The meeting was attended by Rakhman Alshanov, head of the city headquarters, chairman of the Public Council of Almaty, Dana Nurzhigit, member of the Senate of the Parliament of RK, Zhuldyz Suleimenova, candidate for the Majilis, Takir Balykbayev, rector of Abai KazNPU, and Rector of the Kazakh National Conservatoire named after Kurmangazy Arman Zhumanov. Arman Zhudebayev, Rector of Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.


They familiarized the participants of the event with the election program of Nur Otan party, and talked about the progress of its implementation in all areas of development of the country. Work in the field of education and science, including development of human capital, raising the status of teachers and strengthening youth policy, support for students and young teachers, provision of housing was highlighted. The educational achievements of the country and their indexes in the international ranking were also discussed.


During the meeting questions and offers concerning support of target financing of recognition of high schools at the world level, allocation of special zone for realization of the project of creation of a scientific and technological valley in Al-Farabi KazNU, about distribution of grants between high schools, provision of employment, curriculum of the subject «History of Kazakhstan» for students and foreign citizens, lack of personnel of journalism were raised.


All questions were answered clearly and instructions on realization of the sounded programs, offers and ideas were given.

Rector Takir Balykbaev emphasized that the solution to these issues is contained in the programme for the development of universities, after its consideration and approval there will be extensive work on the further development of universities, for this purpose additional funds will be allocated. A league of competitive universities, which occupies a leading position in world rankings, will be created.


«The election programme of the Nur Otan party includes more than 100 specific objectives. They reflect the key issues of the educational sphere, youth education, increasing housing and urban development, and contain answers to the urgent problems of society. Success in the elections directly depends on the competence, responsibility and full commitment of each of us. The Chairman of the Party, Mr. N. Nazarbayev, has outlined a clear-cut direction - all candidates should be actively involved in the election campaign. Therefore, all the campaign work of the candidates should be a «live», honest and frank dialogue with people. The aim of our campaign work is to clearly explain the party`s election programme and to identify the problems of society in order to address them. In this way, together we will make our contribution to the development of Kazakhstan», said Takir Balykbayev.


Participants exchanged views on all the issues raised.