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The republican scientific and practical conference «Modern textbook and educational values»

was held with the participation of the center «Latyn»


On December 21, 2020, at 10.00 on the ZOOM platform, a republican scientific and practical conference was held on the topic: «Modern textbook and educational values». During the conference with a welcoming address by the Vice-Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova Tanatova and rector of the University named after Suleyman Demirel Kuanish Ergaliev. The plenary report was made by the Director of the Republican scientific practical center «Textbook» Beisembaev Ghani Bektaevich, corresponding member of NAS RK, Professor, head of the scientific-practical center «Latin» Orazbayeva Fauziya, Professor of the Department of foreign languages of philological faculty of PFUR, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Karabulatova Irina (Moscow, Russia), psychotherapist, Professor Valery Belyanin (Toronto, Canada).


Professors and subject teachers of the republic participated. The conference addressed the issues of content and ethno-cultural nature of the text apparatus of the tutorial, its informative and educational value, psycholinguistic and psychodidactic requirements for the development of a textbook, electronic textbooks and axiological function of education, the role waterstage apparatus of the textbook and the requirements to it.