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Scientific webinar on the impact of the Occupy of Capitol in Washington on US politics

On January 23, 2021, M.B. Assanbayev, a professor-researcher at the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law, held scientific webinar «06/01/2021 - on the impact of the Occupy of Capitol in Washington on US politics».

The aim of this webinar was to analyze the event of January 6, 2021 in the US, when D. Trump`s supporters laid siege to the Capitol. The Capitol siege delayed the Congressional voting by several hours, but did not change the fact that Joe Biden had become the next president.


The webinar discussed the impact of this event on the domestic and foreign policy of one of the largest countries in the world and analysed the consequences faced by American society: a divided nation, a lack of trust in the political system of the state and the government. These questions are very important for the study of recent human history, especially in the era of globalisation.