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The tenth webinar of the virtual laboratory of inclusive education

The Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education (organiser and moderator - Professor Z.A.Movkebayeva) has been carrying out its advisory and methodological activities in Abai KazNPU since 29 April 2020. (organizer and moderator - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Movkebayeva Z. A.). The objective of Virtual laboratory is the presentation and dissemination of theoretical and practical experience in special and inclusive education.

As part of the Virtual Laboratory`s activities and in accordance with the Work Plan of the Public Council of the Basic Organization of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the training, retraining and advanced training of Teachers and specialists in the field of Inclusive and special education for 2021, the tenth webinar on the topic: «Children at risk and their special educational needs»was held on February 1, 2021.


The speakers of the webinar were well-known Belarusian scientists:
1. Vera V. Khitryuk, Director of the Institute of Inclusive Education of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
2. Feklistova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Deputy Director of the Institute of Inclusive Education of the BSPU named after M. Tank, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
3. Ploughshare Elena Anatolyevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Representatives of regional and district education departments, administration and teachers of preschool, school, technical and professional educational organizations, and higher educational institutions attended the webinar.