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Training course «Methodology of Pedagogical Research»

From 1 to 5 February 2021, Center for Continuing Education and Distance Learning of Abai KazNPU, in order to develop the willingness of doctoral students in the 1st year of university to master the methodological knowledge and skills for use in research activities, held a refresher course online on «The methodology of pedagogical research. «Methodology of Pedagogical Research».


The course was attended by doctoral students from the Institutes of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Pedagogy and Psychology, Philology and Multilingual Education.


Professor B.A.Turgunbayeva introduced the participants of the course to the methodology of scientific knowledge, definition of methodological positions and principles of pedagogical research, the mechanism for constructing a logical research apparatus of analysis and processing of information from various sources, identification of scientific discoveries and implementation in practice. During the practical sessions doctoral students individually and in groups analysed the development of the methodological apparatus of research work, practiced in the formation of the scientific apparatus of their research. After analysing each topic in the process of reflection, they developed their approaches and internalised their decision-making.


The participants noted the effectiveness, relevance and content of the knowledge acquired at a round table discussion with A.A. Semchenko, Director of the Centre. The topics of the courses which will be organised by the Centre in the future were also announced.