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Students of Abai KazNPU at the theatre

On 22-27 February 2021, as part of the student week «My KazNPU» with the support of the rector of the university there was organized a visit to the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theatre named after M.O. Auezov for first-year students.


Students watched performances «Ekeumiz», «Barymen Bazar» and «Mynzhyldyk Makhabbat». Watching these plays has an important educational value for students, it assesses the spiritual, moral and family values, as well as contributes to the understanding of yourself as a harmoniously developed person.


All young people who visited the theatre thanked Rector Takir Balykbayev and the Trade Union of Employees of our university for their financial support.


We hope that the work to shape the aesthetic culture of students will continue.