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Nauryz begins: Welcome Day


According to the resolution of RK Government «On approval of concept of Nauryz Meyramy celebrations» at Abai KazNPU the festive events dedicated to «Nauryz Meyramy» started and will be held according to approved plan from 14th to 23rd of March of the current year. In view of complex epidemiological situation the events will be held with observance of all necessary sanitary measures and will take place in online format.


So, on March 15, 2021 in honour of the «Day of greetings» the festive greeting action «Qosh keldin - az Nauryz! During the action students treated the management and staff of the University with traditional dishes of Kazakh cuisine - baursak and various sweets.


Organizers: Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, Committee on Youth Affairs