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Code of academic integrity of students of Abai KazNPU

On April 01, 2021 advisers of the department «World History» of the Institute of History and Law of the specialties «6В02209 - History-Geography», «6В02208 - History-Foundations of Law and Economics», «6В02211 - History-Jurisprudence», «6В01602 - History-Religious Studies», «6В02202 - History», «6В03106 - Regional Studies», «5В013000-History-Religious Studies», 5В050500 - Regional Studies», «5B020300-History» Manapbayev Nurbolat, Shormanova Ainur, Kenzhebekova Arai, Duysenbaykyzy Aitolkyn, Kassymov Madiyar, Mamyrbaev Didar, Nurmukhan Enlik, Abdikhalyk Temirzhan discussed the «Code of Academic Integrity» and «Code of Ethics» with students of all courses.

Advisors conducted a detailed explanatory work to observe the rules of academic integrity, as well as taking measures in case of violation of academic integrity in Abai KazNPU. Students actively discussed not only the rules and personal rights, but also their duties and responsibilities to the learning process. During the event, information was provided about the spring session, as well as about preparation for exams. At the end of the meeting, the students asked the questions they were interested in and immediately received answers to them.