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Topical issues of teaching the Russian language and literature

in the framework of updating the school content of education were discussed

On April 7, 2021, on the Zoom platform, the Republican scientific and methodological seminar «Topical issues of teaching the Russian language and literature within the framework of updating the school content of education» was held. The organizer and moderator of the event is the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU.

The authors of Russian language and literature textbooks for schools with Russian and non-Russian languages of instruction spoke at the seminar: Doctor of Philology, Professor Saule Abisheva, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Gulmira Kazhigalieva, Master of Sciences Gulnara Atembaeva.


Aizhan Nusupbekova, teacher of the Russian language and literature at the specialized gymnasium №12 named after Sh. Ualikhanov from Almaty acquainted the participants of the seminar with the forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students. Teacher of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, PhD Doctor, Senior Lecturer Zh. Akkasynova made a presentation «Effective use of modern digital technologies in the educational process». Using EdPuzzle, Google Forms, Liveworksheet as examples, she demonstrated to the seminar participants how to conduct classes using these tools, give students assignments and control their implementation.


Master of Sciences, lecturer D. Ermekova demonstrated the capabilities of platforms for asynchronous learning using the example of COREAPP.AI


More than 150 teachers of schools, gymnasiums from all regions of the republic, from the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty, teachers of colleges from the cities of Almaty, Kaskelen, Zharkent, Taraz, Semey, universities from the cities of Pavlodar, Nur-Sultan, Almaty took part in the seminar.


The listeners of the seminar took an active part in the discussion of the reports, expressed their gratitude to the organizers, talked about the benefits of the methodological seminars for teachers, about further cooperation.