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International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students «Farabi Alemi - 2021»


On April 8, 2021, the annual International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students «Farabi Alemi» was held at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

3 year students of the specialty «Foreign language: two foreign languages» of Abai KazNPU - Kuat Aidana, Orazalyzy Gulnaz, Oraztay Dayana, Sailau Aiymgul and Nuri Gulmaral took part in the section «Languages and Cultures in the modern world» (UN Languages) and presented their reports under the guidance of the teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages Ualikhanuly Abylaikhan. Most of the reports were in the form of presentations. Students coped with difficult questions, participated in discussions on the most pressing issues of language learning. Kuat Aidana and Orazalykyzy Gulnaz took 3rd place in the section «Languages and Cultures in the modern world» (UN Languages).





Departement of Foreign Languages