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Honouring the famous scientist and educator S.R. Rakhmetova


On April 9, 2021, the Department of Professional training of primary education programs of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology held a scientific and educational meeting »Wise lifetime owner», dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Rakhmetova Sagira Rakhmetkizy.

She has devoted her entire life to the education and upbringing of young people and the development of methods of teaching the Kazakh language. She is the leading author of educational and methodical complexes, new generation textbooks «Ana Tili» for 2-4 classes. She has written more than 200 scientific works, including textbooks and manuals for students of the specialty «Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education», in particular «Theory and technology of the Kazakh language» for students of the specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education of the University, »Methods of teaching the Kazakh language» for students of the pedagogical college, educational and methodological manuals «Development of the written language of younger students», «Teaching the language of students in primary classes», as well as published scientific articles that are relevant to the needs of each stage.

Today Sagira Rakhmetovna`s students can be found all over the country: in large cities and remote districts and villages. Many students have followed in the footsteps of their teacher and are making a great contribution to the development of primary education.

Sagira Rakhmetovna was congratulated by colleagues, students, students of the specialty, who worked in the same team.

The opening ceremony of the meeting began with a welcoming speech by the director of the Institute Abayeva Galiya. During the educational event, the scientific and educational film «Great teacher» was shown. The hero of the day was a doctor of philology. the event was opened by senior lecturer Zhumash Zhanar. Within the framework of the scientist`s life path, activities, scientific works, and individual ways of training students, the program «Think, go ahead!» an intellectual competition was organized. The winners of the contest were presented with valuable books of S.Rakhmetova.

In the wishes rubric «A warm heart, a good wish», professor Fauziya Orazbayeva, professor Berikzhan Almukhambetov, professor Nesibeli Kurman and others expressed their warm wishes.

This event was organized by the Department of Primary education programs of the Institute of Pedagogy and psychology.









Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology