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Evening of memory of K. Naribayev «Son of the Great Steppe»

On June 3, 2021, the Center «Personalities of the Great Steppe» of Abai KazNPU held an evening «Son of the Great Steppe» dedicated to the memory of academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kopzhasar Naribayev. The event was attended by academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.Zhurinov, M.Koigeldiev, Kh.Abzhanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor T. Omarbekov, Director of the R. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Doctor of Philology D Masimkhan, Doctor of Political Sciences B.Naribayev - K.Naribayev`s brother, , K.Naribayev`s son M.Naribayev and other relatives of the famous scientist. They shared their warm memories of Kopzhasar Naribayev.

Moderator, acting Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization of the University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.T.Kulsarieva spoke about the life, scientific activity and work of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Naribayev. The participants of the meeting with warm memories shared about the academician of the NAS of RK K.Naribayev. President of the NAS of M.Zhurinov remembered when and how he met Kopzhasar Aga. He recalled that during his tenure, he helped with his advice, and this respect lasted until the end of his life.

Academician of the NAS of RK M.Koigeldiev and Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor T.Omarbekov with vivid memories that the activities of K.Naribayev as the rector of Al-Farabi KazNU was full of innovations, Doctor of Philology D.Masimkhan spoke about the contribution and care of K. Naribayev in the return of compatriots from near and far abroad. He is grateful to Kopzhasar aga for his direct participation in his return to his homeland. The memory of his younger brother B. Naribayev, who Aga was both a father and a caring brother, was very impressive. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kh.Abzhanov spoke about the initiative of K.Naribayev in the integration of science and education.

In the second part of the meeting, the head of the center G.Nurymbetova spoke about the appearance of the project «Personalities of the Great Steppe», developed on the initiative of K.Naribayev. Within the framework of a large project, books published by the «Ulagat» publishing house of University «Kazakh Khans» (author T.Omarbekov), «Kazakh Batyrs» (Kh.Abzhanov, G.Nurymbetova), «Figuresof Alash» (S.Smagulova) were presented.

Organizer of the event: «Personalities of the Great Steppe»Center