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International online forum
«Modern trends in teacher education»


On June 24-25, 2021, the International Online Forum «Modern Trends in Pedagogical Education» was held in Almaty at the initiative of Abai KazNPU. Its goal is to attract public attention to modern trends in teacher education, to disseminate the best international practices that contribute to the tasks of updating the content of education in Kazakhstan.


The participants of the scientific event were reputable international and national scientists (from the University of Northampton (UK), National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia), MISIS Technical University (Russia), National Higher Education Research Institute (Malaysia), Moscow City Teacher Training University (Russia), East China Normal University (China), University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of Cape Town (South Africa), University - 2035 (Russia), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan), «Ulttik Ustaz Online Academyasy» LLP), Representatives of UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, university teachers, heads and specialists of education departments, in-service training and educational institutions, school teachers, experts from international agencies, young scientists and students - a total of 430 people.


The forum was opened by Kuanysh Yergaliev, Vice-Minister of Education and Science. He noted that the education system implies openness to advanced ideas, so the discussion of current trends not only in national, but also in global teacher education will contribute to the leadership of future teachers. He stressed that identification of new trends in teacher training, discussion of constructive ideas are important for effective development of national education and science.


Gani Beisembayev, President of the I. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, and Darkhan Bilyalov, Rector of the Abai KazNPU, delivered welcoming speeches.


Darkhan Bilyalov stressed the active and promising cooperation with partners, international associations, foundations on promoting innovation in education around the world. «We believe that a modern educational system should be open. As a national pedagogical community, we strive to contribute to the development of the industry, offering new technologies and teaching methods to promote the national education system. The main trend today is the digital revolution, which is creating new challenges and affecting the field of education from both the labour market and the need for internal restructuring. Future teachers need new digital competences, creative approaches, decision-making training, communication and cooperation skills. In some 5-7 years, the teacher will not know whether the student has done the task or the artificial intelligence of his smartphone will be able to solve the problem with the evidence, to write an essay», said the Rector of Abai KazNPU. He noted that the 21st century is the age of globalization, new technologies and innovation, the age of new thinking and a new attitude to the changes, and Abai KazNPU, being the most actively involved in the training of mentors for the new generations of the country, must comply with these changes.


The forum focused on three thematic areas: Blended Learning perspectives; Digital technologies in teacher education: tools, platforms, experiences and implementation perspectives; Lifelong Learning. The following issues were discussed: online/offline learning; classroom/e-learning; «flipped classroom» model; media pedagogy, digitalization of the learning process and content; digital transformation of the learning ecosystem; smart didactics; neuropedagogy: continuing education system; self-education; individual educational trajectory. Of particular interest were the issues of expediency of using information technology tools, combining innovative approaches to learning and digital services and traditional learning.


At the end of the forum, a resolution was adopted in which tasks and measures were outlined to strengthen the effectiveness of the work of the administrations and staff of educational institutions in shaping the digital educational environment and introducing digital competencies into educational programs. Clear recommendations were made: to use the forum materials in their work to increase the level of ICT competence of heads and teaching staff of educational organizations in the context of transition to digital economy; to continue work on improvement of subject, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and communicative competence of the teacher, on formation of the unified information and educational environment.


Forum participants agreed on a common position in understanding the main areas and objectives of the modern teacher education, and made recommendations to the educational authorities at various levels, universities, managers and teachers of educational institutions.


Participants of the event expressed a great hope that the recommendations will contribute to further development of the system of teacher education, strengthening of international scientific and practical cooperation, will help to provide the output of Kazakhstani education to the qualitatively new level of development.


Certificates and presentations of the Forum













Department of Public Relations