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Meeting of the rector of Abai KazNPU Darkhan Bilyalov with the director of the Education Center of the South Korean Embassy in RK Kim Tae Hwan

On 13 September, 2021, an official meeting was held between the rector of Abai KazNPU, Mr. Darkhan Bilyalov, with the director of the Education Center at the Embassy of the Republic of the South Korean Embassy in RK, Mr. Kim Tae Hwan. The purpose of the visit is to discuss further development and cooperation between the university and the Korean center, as well as to introduce a teacher from South Korea to the leadership of Abai KazNPU.

The event was also attended by the director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education - A.Tanzharykova, Head of the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation - K.Abdrakhmanova.

The parties discussed a number of promising areas, in part of which further development of effective and mutually beneficial cooperation between Abai KazNPU and Korea in the field of education. In particular, they talked about the internship of our students in the Korean education center, work as teaching assistants at the center, further employment, and also, in the medium term, about joint research projects.


During the meeting the rector told what goals the main pedagogical university sets for itself, what changes and innovations have been introduced into the educational process, what experience they will adopt from leading foreign universities. Also Mr. D.Bilyalov shared about the increased interest in Korea, the Korean language among local students, including ethnic Koreans living in Kazakhstan.


A.Tanzharykova, in turn, noted that despite the first enrollment of students for new specialties related to the Korean language, and these are: a teacher of the Korean language with knowledge of English, foreign philology, two foreign languages, more than 50 students chose these new majors in 2021. The Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education will continue to pay attention to the new direction and for this, work will continue on the conclusion of a Memorandum on double-degree education with one of the Korean universities with the assistance of the education center.

Head of the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation K.Abdrakhmanova noted that she pins great hopes on this meeting.

Then the guests of the event visited the university museum, auditoriums and classrooms of the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation. G. Kim Tae Hwan, in turn, assured that the center will continue to provide assistance and support to Abai KazNPU students in terms of educational literature, manuals, information, as well as providing students with a place for practice in its center. Also Mr. Kim expressed the hope that the leadership of Abai KazNPU can assist in the introduction of the Korean language in schools in Kazakhstan.