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Seminar training «The Way to the Future» for schoolchildren of West Kazakhstan region

On October 12, 2021, the Institute of «Pedagogy and Psychology» of Abai KazNPU held the online (ZOOM) training seminar on the topic «The Way to the future». It was attended by pupils in grades 10-11 of secondary school № 7 of Aksai village of Borlinsky district, West Kazakhstan region.

The purpose of the event: to popularize the university and its educational programs, increase the prestige of pedagogical work, provide the necessary information for those wishing to enroll in Abai KazNPU.

As part of the training, video materials and presentations on the educational programs of the university were presented, as well as a training on the topic of choosing a profession.

The head of the Department Marketing of the Institute Pedagogy and Psychology, senior lecturer Bauyrzhan Zhankushkov answered all the questions of schoolchildren, and also told about all the advantages of studying at Abai KazNPU.

We would like to thank Guljanat Ablaeva, chemistry teacher and organising teacher, for her support in running the workshop.