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Online event dedicated to the Erasmus Days

On October 15, 2021, the Department for International Engagement of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held an online event «Erasmus+: opportunities», timed to coincide with the Erasmus Days. Its aim is to acquaint and motivate as many students and teachers as possible to participate in the mobility program within the Erasmus+ framework. The coordinators, participants and alumni of the Erasmus + program gathered on a single platform, the speakers shared their experience of their work and education from all over the world, and also strengthened ties between universities.

This year, in connection with the sanitary and epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the event of Abai KazNPU «Erasmus+ opportunities» was held in an online format.

The event was attended by coordinators of the Erasmus + program from partner universities, alumni of the Erasmus+ program from among students and teachers, as well as current students of the Erasmus + program from countries such as Poland, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Turkey and, of course, Kazakhstan, 90 people participated in the online event. They shared their experience of their work and study in different countries of the world. They shared their experience of their work and study in different countries of the world. The meeting was opened by the Vice-Rector for Strategy, Digitalization and Internationalization of the Abai KazNPU, Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva. She noted the importance of the development of cooperation and mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, and also gave a short excursion about the cooperation and mobility of Abai KazNPU within the framework of the Erasmus+ program!

Three Erasmus Program Coordinators Mr. Ahmet Yirmibes from Bartin University (Turkey), Professor Nuri Tinaz from Marmara University (Turkey), as well as Mr. Radoslaw Andrzejewski from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) shared their experience of implementing the Erasmus+ program at their universities, provided statistics on cooperation, incoming and outgoing mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff, and also expressed their readiness to expand joint projects with Abai KazNPU. Emotional speeches of the Erasmus+ mobility program alumni, students and teachers, impressed the participants and motivated them to take action, as evidenced by the number of questions they asked!

Abai KazNPU expresses its deep gratitude to all participants of this event!