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In honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 24 November, 2016 the Chair of Russian Language and Literature KazNPU n.a. Abai, jointly with the Academy of the Border Service of Kazakhstan National Security Committee has invited all comers to a patriotic event "Military theme in the poems and songs." The evening consisted of two acts. The first sounded the literary and musical composition "Forties, fatal ..." prepared by 2nd year students of the Academy Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan. In the second part of the evening the students of 1st year of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education presented their creative vision of the theme "Women and War".

Poems, songs, musical potpourri, and scenic miniatures all genres on this evening were solemn and emotional. Students-guards looked strict and courageous student-philologists - touching and soulful.
Helped to prepare the evening the boys and girls of their teachers, graduates of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, - Doctor PhD, Major Olga Zaginayko and candidate of philological sciences Sholpan Adibayeva.

Civic and patriotic note this evening supported in his heart closing speech Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature Saule Abisheva, warmly thanked all the participants of this wonderful meeting and expressed hope that cooperation between the two universities will continue.