The results of the role-playing competition «In the world of fairy-tale»
On November 9, 2021, senior lecturer of the Department of vocational training in primary education programs of the Institute of Pedagogy and psychology of the Abai KazNPU, A.T. Turalbayeva held a role-playing contest «In the world of fairy-tale» among 2nd year students of the specialties «Primary education in English», «Primary education with multilingualism». Linguistic worldview and knowledge of English were assessed.
The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees and prizes are awarded. Students of the «Diamond Girls» team Balabek Aida, Berkin Saltanat, Shaimerdenova Aruzhan, Erbolatkyzy Arna, Tursynbay Dilnaz, were awarded a diploma of III degree, Diploma of the II degree was taken by members of the team «TheBest» Mergenova Aruzhan, Mirzakhmetova Aziza, Amirzhan Alina, Tolen Ayaulym and students of the «Cotton girls» team, Bekkozhanova Dana, Ramazanova Gulbanu, Rulyeli Symbat. Diploma of the I degree was awarded to the members of the «Shiny girls» team, Inkar Mirzataykyzy, Kasiyet Mukhamedzhan, Zhanerke Turganbay, Dana Ryskul, Alsina Talipkyzy, Nuray Talipkhanova.