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New ways of cooperation were discussed at the first forum of rectors of universities of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

The first international forum of rectors of universities of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan took place in Bishkek. The goal is to discuss the main trends in modern higher education and the trajectory of integration of higher educational institutions of the two states. The rector of Abai KazNPU Darkhan Bilyalov took part in the forum. The event was attended by representatives of educational departments and about 50 rectors of leading universities of the two countries.


At the opening of the forum were the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov, Minister of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan Bolotbek Kupeshev, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Higher and Postgraduate Education Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rector of L. Gumilyov ENU Yerlan Sydykov, Chairman of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, Rector of Bishkek State University Abdyldy Musaev and others.


The main tasks for the development of higher education in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, the creation of an alliance of Central Asian universities, joint educational and research projects, internships for students and faculty were discussed. It was decided to expand student exchanges on academic mobility, open branches, integrate educational programs, introduce new opportunities to increase the effectiveness of interaction between the universities of the two countries. In order to further strengthen the friendly ties between the two republics, constructive and meaningful discussions were held.


During the forum, Abai University strengthened partnerships by signing memorandums of cooperation with the Kyrgyz State University of Culture and Art named after B. Beshenalieva, Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the first President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin, Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B. Sydykov.