Visiting professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature - scientist from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow
In November and December 2021, Associate Professor of the Research University of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Ekaterina Vlasova lectures and conducts seminars at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU.
Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the department attend the classes of the Russian visiting professor in two formats - online and offline.
A deep analysis of the problems of modern philology and the latest approaches to research - this content of lectures attracts all listeners. The topics related to the use of the Russian National Corpus for educational and scientific purposes are especially interesting and useful.
The high professionalism and methodological skill of the lecturer make the communication of students with Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vlasova motivating and inspiring for a creative attitude to study.