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Modernization of the education and science system of Kazakhstan

The training of highly qualified and competitive teachers is the main driver of improving the quality of human resources of society. In this regard, Abai KazNPU takes an active part in all educational reforms carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of program-targeted financing of Abai KazNPU, as the head pedagogical university of Kazakhstan, joined the large-scale project «Scientific foundations of modernization of the education and science system» with great interest.

The project team of Abai KazNPU is engaged in the study of Task 1.2.3 «Conducting research and developing recommendations for the transformation of pedagogical direction in the system of Technical and Vocational Education in accordance with the best world practices». This project group is represented by the project manager, Rector D.Bilyalov, and Professor U.Abdigapbarova, Professor A.Berikkhanova, Assoc.Professor A.Stambekova.

On December 4, 2021, at the Altynsarin NAE, a regular meeting of all study groups was held to present interim reports to the Chairman of the Committee of Preschool and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karimova G.R.

Report of the project group of Abai KazNPU was successfully presented by Professor U.Abdigapbarova and was highly appreciated and approved by scientists.