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Our university is a participant of the International Fair of educational projects

On December 7, 2021, a teleconference of the Fair of International Educational and Sociocultural Projects «Dialogues in Russian» took place.


The project fair was held on the initiative and with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This project was implemented by employees of Vyatka State University and the Center for Information Technologies in Education «Poznanie» (Kirov, Russia).

Abai KazNPU is a co-organizer of the event. The Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, headed by the head Saule Abisheva, became the organizer of the Fair from our university.

The offline platform for this large-scale event was the Khujand State University named after academician Bobodzhon Gafurov (Tajikistan), where the Russian organizers of the Fair came. Online participants from different cities and villages of the Serbian Republic, Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan presented their projects in several nominations. More than 250 listeners have joined the broadcast of the Fair.

Abai KazNPU was presented with two reports. 1st year undergraduate student of the specialty «Russian language and literature» Akgul Zhaulybay (supervisor - associate professor Zinaida Polyak) demonstrated a video she created on the topic of the project «Using social networks in the lessons of Russian language and literature». 1st year students of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and informatics Aigul Erbosynova and Zhanela Bershimbaeva (scientific supervisor - senior teacher Bibizhan Abuova) presented their project «Studying the Russian language in an educational camp (by the example of the educational camp «Sputnik»)». More than 100 remote listeners - students of Abai KazNPU. Both projects were highly appreciated by the organizers and were awarded with Diplomas of the winners of the International Fair of Educational Projects.

The objectives of the Fair were the development of an innovative cultural and educational space, support for creative initiative and strengthening of international partnerships. The successful completion of this international forum testifies to the achievement of the goals set.