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Follow in the footsteps of "Zhas Tulpar"

Kazakh steppe has always been rich Batyrs, who aggressively fought for the independence of his people. Without going into the depths, you can take the last 20th century, when the Kazakh intellectuals boldly pushed forward the rights of Kazakhs. Today, these topics are organized many conferences with the aim of educating young people a sense of duty and patriotism. With the same purpose Pedagogy and Psychology Institute and  center "Tulgatanu" named after M. Gabdullin at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University organized a historical and informative lecture on the theme "Follow in the footsteps of "Zhas Tulpar ". To this lecture were invited: political and social activist Murat Auezov, Honorary Power Engineer RK Altai Kadyrzhanov known historian scientist Marat Semben and Doctor of Psychological sciences, Academician Zhamilya Namazbayeva. On the activity of the organization told the inspirer and leader Murat Auezov.
During the period of "Khrushchev Thaw", when the process of a partial liberalization of domestic life in the USSR revived the intellectuals and student youth, the activity of which was directed, including the revival of the national spiritual heritage.
On this wave in the 60s in Moscow was created creative association "Zhas Tulpar" from the number of Kazakh students studying in the capital`s universities.
It had as its aim the promotion of literature, art and culture of Kazakhstan, rendering assistance to Kazakh students studying technical subjects, the Russian language. And in 1973 they participated in the conduct of Asian Conference of Writers and Africa - experience of political and spiritual decolonization of these countries gives them a lot of interest.
This union was the impetus for the awakening of the Kazakh youth. The multi-faceted and complex biography "Zhas Tulpar" - a historic milestone in the fight for the independence of Kazakhstan in 1986 and the organization of the movement "Nevada-Semey". "Zhas tulpar" representatives also made a contribution to the resurrections names of "Alash Orda" representatives.
As the mastermind behind the Kazakh youth, organization, united in the movement awakened consciousness of the people, being outside of their historical homeland. During the meeting, the guests answered the students questions, gave valuable guidance and blessings. At the end, the leadership of the Institute handed guests recently published book "Mangilik el".