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Students of Abai University glorified the university

As previously reported, in May 2021, the 19th International Online Turkish Language Olympiad was held among university students. Representatives from more than 27 countries of the world participated in the Olympiad. The students of our university took the most active part, the evidence is that they took 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes. Uglai Abdusattarova, 4th year student of the specialty 6B01703 Foreign language: two foreign languages (scientific supervisor, senior teacher Gulnaz Satbay) and 2nd year student Sevara Abdulazizova (scientific supervisor master, teacher N.Kh.Kospaganbetova) took 1st and 3rd places in C1 level. The 2nd year student Mariam Atantai (supervisor, senior lecturer Gulnaz Satbay) took the 2nd place in A1 level.

Thanks to hard work and a systematic approach to teaching the Turkish language, the faculty and students of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation managed to get high marks in the International Olympiad. Due to the fact that the central office of the International Olympiad is located in Ankara and quarantine restrictions, the presentation of certificates to students who won prizes has been postponed for some time.