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Webometrics: Abai University is in the TOP-10 of the best universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan!


The international rating of websites of the world`s best educational institutions Webometrics Ranking of World Universities-2022, which is compiled every six months, has been published. Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is a global ranking of world universities based on a combined indicator that takes into account the relevance of the university website and publications of its research scientists in the Scopus and Google Scholar scientometric systems.


In the Webometrics ranking among 15939 world universities, the Abai University website ( took the 5108th position. The world ranking includes 130 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to new Webometrics data, Abai University entered the TOP-10 best universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking 10th place. Among the pedagogical universities of the country - 1st place.


Web-indicators, which are used to analyze the activity of the scientific activity of the university, make it possible to identify how much the faculty and students are involved in research activities. According to the Cybermetrics Lab methodology, an algorithm for ranking universities is built based on three indicators: Impact, Openness, Excellence. The annual successes of Abai KazNPU once again confirm its stable position in the global system of higher education. Participation in international rankings makes it possible to position the university in the global scientific space, enter the international educational environment, harmonize educational and research processes with international rules and standards, improve the quality of educational services, and find new opportunities for growth.


Abai University, according to Web of Science, is the leader among the pedagogical universities of the republic in terms of the number of publications with an impact factor. In the national and international rankings of universities, the university has been a leader for many years and is consistently the leading pedagogical university in Kazakhstan. Its further development is reflected in the Development Strategy for 2022-2025, where the main directions are improving the quality of education and its accessibility, strengthening scientific activity and attracting talented young people to research work. The Abai University team has already begun to implement the tasks.


Webometrics Ranking of World Universities