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Held on Discussions of the President`s Message with the elected representatives of the people

Since the publication of  President`s Message, Mazhilis deputies went to the regions in order to disseminate and explain the basic directions of the Message. To achieve this mission on 2 February of current year,at Abai KazNPU was organized a meeting with deputies of the Mazhilis: G.I. Isimbayeva and A.Y. Bekturganov. The meeting was opened by Rector of the University, academician S.Zh.Praliyev and gave the speech to the guests. Deputy of the Mazhilis of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law sciences, a member of the Committee of the socio-cultural development A.Y. Bekturganov noted that in the President paid special attention to all branches of social development, the strengthening of the economy during the global economic crisis, the improvement of people`s well-being and connection issues to the number of successful countries of the world.

Deputy Chairman of the Mazhilis, head of the faction of "Nur Otan" G.I. Isimbayeva shared the problems of prisoners in the Message about the increase the role of human capital, education reform, health care and renovation of the agricultural sector, environmental protection. It explains the main directions regarding the content of historical documents adhere to the policy of industrial innovation development of post-industrial society. In addition to meeting with the elected representatives of the people came to the first deputy of Almaty branch of "Nur Otan" Zh.K Omarbekova and representatives of the party "Nur Otan" Medeu district. Deputies responded to questions about the role of education in three languages policy, the impact of career guidance methods work with school graduates, the development of social trends, etc.
At the end of the meeting decisions were taken for the wide dissemination and explanation of the President`s Message.