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Evening of poetry by M. Makatayev «Every song is peace»


On February 9, 2022, at the Institute of Natural History and Geography of Abai KazNPU the evening of poetry by Mukagali Makatayev «Every song is peace» was held on the Zoom Platform. The event, organized by the 1st year students of the 2nd group of the speciality «6B01510-Chemistry», was led by the senior teacher Araylym Utemisova.


The aim of the evening was to review the life and work of the great poet, who has left an indelible mark in the history and culture of Kazakhstan, to show the essence of the popularity of the poetry of M. Makatayev and the secret of its vitality, the features of harmony between his work and music and songs written on the words of the poet.


Manapov Nurlan, the head of the Institute for social and educational work, addressed a greeting speech to the participants of the event. The guest of the evening was Professor Genis Shokybaev, who talked about his famous contemporary and fellow countryman and expressed his special thanks to the organizers. The evening was moderated by students Zhaksylyk Baglan and Zhukebayeva Albina. Besides, students of other groups showed their talents, sang songs, read art dedications. Video clips about life of M. Makatayev were shown. The evening of poetry dedicated to his anniversary was held at a high level. The students realized the importance of Makatayev`s creative work for development of Kazakh society.