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Refresher courses for undergraduates and PhD doctoral students of Abai KazNPU

From February 14 to February 25, 2022, the Center of Teaching Excellence of Abai KazNPU conducted 80-hour advanced training courses in distance learning mode for undergraduates and doctoral students of the university on the topic «Pedagogical design in the organization of electronic tutoring, modeling of the processes of Lesson Study and Action Research». 116 undergraduates and doctoral students of the Institutes of Pedagogy and Psychology, Natural Sciences and Geography attended the course.

The students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the changes and additions made to the regulatory documents in the field of education; to get acquainted with the conceptual and theoretical foundations of electronic tutoring and pedagogical design; modeling of the processes of Lesson Study and Action Research and their role in the professional growth of a teacher. Undergraduates and doctoral students in practical classes had the opportunity to improve the algorithm for planning and implementing Programs of updated educational content.

The round table discussed the effectiveness of the use of pedagogical design in teaching students the skills of organizing the educational process, in organizing electronic tutoring, modeling the processes of Lesson Study and Action Research; features of using LS and AR processes to improve teacher practice.