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Forum of schoolchildren «My future: I am yesterday. I am today. I am tomorrow» was held

On March 28 2022, the Forum of schoolchildren «My future: I am yesterday. I am today. I am tomorrow» was held in the I.Panfilov Kazakh-Russian specialized school-lyceum No. 54.

The organizers of the event were Issaliyeva Saule, senior lecturer of the educational program «Pedagogy and Psychology», executive secretary of the scientific and methodological journal «Pedagogy and Psychology», and Erdaninova Dinara, deputy director for educational work of I.Panfilov KRSSL No.54.

The work of the expert committee was attended by Popova Tatyana, Senior Researcher of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia), Mombek Aliya, Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Editor of the scientific and methodological journal «Pedagogy and Psychology»; Vlasova Kristina and Tolegen Gulmira - teachers-psychologists of the school-lyceum; Pinsky Ksenia and Tavorbaneva Adelina - second-year students of the University of International Business.

The forum was attended by students of 9th «V» grade, this event was a continuation of the Forum of schoolchildren, held in 2017. Then the students of the 5th «B» grade in three groups made presentations, which were called: «I am yesterday», «I am today», «I am tomorrow» and talked about their own ideas. And they told what they had achieved, how the meaning of life had changed, shared their plans for the future, answered questions from experts and the audience.

All participants received team diplomas in nominations and received a charge of vivacity and fun. This form of organizing interaction with students can be used in the work of school psychologists and class teachers for the purpose of vocational guidance, education and personal development of students.