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Seminar «Design Thinking in Student Education»

On April 04, 2022, the department of disciplines of the pedagogical cycle at Abai KazNPU opened the Decade of Science with a university-wide methodological seminar «Design thinking in teaching students».

Director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy G.A. Abaeva delivered a welcoming speech. She emphasized the importance of professional development of the teaching staff to meet the status of a research institution and revealed the importance of the Decade of Science and the active participation of teachers and students for their professional development.


Kolumbaeva Sh.Zh., Head of the Department of Disciplines of the Pedagogical Cycle at the University, welcoming the participants of the seminar, focused on the participation of teachers of the department in organizing and conducting a cycle of events dedicated to the development of professional competence within the framework of the decade.

The main speaker of the all-university methodological seminar was A.D. Tanatova. She noted the relevance and significance of using Design Thinking by educators in teaching students. The speaker presented to the audience not only theoretical knowledge on the considered method and the importance of the development of pedagogical design, but also provided her own experience of using the "design thinking" method in teaching students in the discipline "Technology of educational work". The participants of the seminar were provided with the possibilities of the "design thinking" method for use in the classroom in order to form and develop practice-oriented competencies of future teachers.

Thanks to the work of the moderator of the methodological seminar, Professor A.E. Berikhanova participants of the event were able to ask questions, share their findings and recommendations.