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PhD thesis research in candidacy for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D011000 - «Physics» Akzholova Aliya on the theme  «Influence of scientific investigations in transport phenomena on the development of research competence of future physics teachers» will be defended at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


The thesis research was performed at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


Language of thesis defense - Russian.


Scientific consultant:
Kossov Vladimir - corresponding member of NAS RK, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Moldabekova Maira - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Zhelvis Rimantas - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Mazhitova L. - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.01-Theory and history of pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, Professor of the Department of technical physics, Almaty University of energy and communications, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Tashev B. - doctor of philosophy (PhD), specialty 6D060400-Physics, Dean of the physics and mathematical faculty, Kazakh National women`s teacher training University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Defense will be held December 26, 2019, at 14.30 in the Dissertation Council of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, at the address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue, 13, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, main building, (3rd floor, 320-office). Website address:





Video from the dissertation defense

Order for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)