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In Kazakhstan in 2011, 10 national universities have received international accreditation.
In order to implement international best practices in higher education in the country use new models of the learning process.
"Today, Kazakhstan by international standards included in the group of countries with a developed system of education", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev, speaking at the ceremonial meeting devoted to 20th anniversary of Independence of the country.
Human capital development is a major factor increasing competitive advantage of the state. Therefore, the question of entering into the global educational environment is a priority for Kazakhstan, this factor will provide a breakthrough in the country, education, science and innovation.
"Implementation of the Programme of Education Development will build education system that ensures the creation of a competitive high-quality human capital. New generations of highly educated Kazakhs will be able to successfully meet the challenges of the coming decades "- said earlier, Prime Minister Karim Masimov.
According to the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2011, the international accreditation received 10 Kazakh universities. Among the accredited - South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov, Eurasian National University. Gumilev, Kazakh National Technical University. Satpayev, Zhetysu State University. I. Zhansugurov, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylaikhan. In addition, it is - the East-Kazakhstan State Technical University. Serikbaev, Kazakh-British Technical University, Academy of Public Administration under the President, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. International accreditation of universities of Kazakhstan makes the graduates of these schools convertible abroad.
Along with this, in 2011, the rating Quacquarelli Symonds, which includes 700 best universities in the world, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University made a breakthrough, rising to 200 items and took place 401-450 (in 2009 - 601-650 seat .) Also, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and named after L. Gumilev Eurasian National University became the first high schools in Central Asia in the near-top universities.
As in other public institutions, education of Kazakhstan is open to international cooperation. Currently there are 39 education of international treaties. At the same time in 2011, signed by five international treaties. In the framework of international agreements annually vydelyutsya government grants to foreign countries for citizens of Kazakhstan (Russia - about 100 seats, Turkey - 85 seats, China - 27 seats), and educational grants to the Government of the RK Foreign grzhdan (Kyrgyzstan - 3, Belarus 2, Afghanistan - 179 on podkursy and 152 in academic studies, China - 72 seats).
In order to implement international best practices in higher education apply new models of the learning process. Currently approved new rules for the organization of educational process on credit technology, providing the Dublin descriptors, modular educational programs, the European credit transfer system. Already 28% of schools implemented Kazakh model for credit by type of European Credit Transfer System.
In todays transition to innovation and knowledge-based economic system is necessary to develop the quality of education. Today there is a steady trend of integration of Kazakhstan education in the world educational space, thereby increasing the level of educational services in higher education in Kazakhstan.