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Students of Abai  KazNPU took the military oath

On July 09, 2022, the military department of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University hosted a solemn oath ceremony for cadets under the lieutenant training program.

The festive event was held on the parade ground of the military department. It was attended by representatives of the university, invited guests and parents.

The cadets solemnly lined up on the parade ground to take the oath of allegiance to the motherland.

The future defenders of the Fatherland solemnly vowed to be honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warriors, strictly keep military and state secrets, unquestioningly carry out the orders of their commanders and superiors.

They promised to be devoted to their people, to always be ready to defend the Fatherland.

Head of the Military Department Colonel of the Reserve Mambetaliev K.R. congratulated the cadets on taking the oath, and noted that the day of taking the oath for each of the cadets is responsible and holy. To take an oath means to be loyal to your Motherland and people until the last breath, to stand before the head of the country at a critical moment, and, if necessary, to make sacrifices.

Vice-rector for Educational Work and Social Development Nurlanov Shyngys Nurlanovich delivered his congratulatory speech, wished the cadets to confidently walk the path of knowledge and professional skills, reach new heights, be conscientious and hardworking.

The teachers of the military department, сolonel Zhunusov Yerlan Dauletovich, Alimkhanova Gaini Askarovna, Ibraimov Injayim Taubaykyzy also made their congratulatory speeches. They thanked the teaching staff and the head of the military department for their huge contribution to the training and education of future servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Other participants of the event also expressed their parting words and good wishes.

The oath-taking ceremony ended with a solemn march of the future military.





