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Graduation 2022 is our pride!


On July 12, 2022, a solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of the Institute of Philology took place.

The director of the Institute A.V. Tanzharykova, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature S.D. Abisheva, advisors A.T. Ongarbaeva, G.Zh. Bayshukurova, B.S. Zhumagulova, member of the department M.E. Tuleubaeva, parents of our graduates also expressed gratitude.

Dressed in beautiful robes, our graduates accepted their diplomas with special trepidation. During their studies, they were imbued with the atmosphere of one of the oldest universities in Kazakhstan, in which famous scientists, writers, poets, journalists, honored teachers received a start in life.

Our students listened to lectures not only by members of the department, but also by invited foreign scientists, many of them went to Poland for a semester study, undergraduates additionally completed an internship at the best universities in Turkey.

We hope that our graduates feel a kind attitude towards themselves, an interest in everyone as a creative person, and will be able to implement this approach in their professional activities.

Teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature are confident in the high professional training of each graduate and in their desire to constantly improve their knowledge.

We are waiting for you in the magistracy and doctoral studies! Have a good journey!



